Charlotte Brontë’s 200th Birthday, Illustrated Jane Eyre

Marking the 200th birthday of Charlotte Brontë in 2016, illustrator Santiago Caruso took on the task of bringing out the haunting elements of Jane Eyre for the Folio Society edition.

“The biggest challenge was to show Jane’s strong spirit, so the artists that have created a classical view of her. I wanted to materialise the poetry of the writing into the reality of the characters. To produce that effect, I emphasised dramatic elements to obtain some surreal shock, distorting the perception of reality.”

To learn more about this edition, visit here.


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© 2015 Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts. Website by POTG Design.

Marking the 200th birthday of Charlotte Brontë in 2016, illustrator Santiago Caruso took on the task of bringing out the haunting elements of Jane Eyre for the Folio Society edition.

“The biggest challenge was to show Jane’s strong spirit, so the artists that have created a classical view of her. I wanted to materialise the poetry of the writing into the reality of the characters. To produce that effect, I emphasised dramatic elements to obtain some surreal shock, distorting the perception of reality.”

To learn more about this edition, visit here.